Orhan Pamuk, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature, will
present his latest novel at Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao on April 18:
“Nights of Plague” (Random House, 2022), where he delves
into past pandemics, among other matters.
Orhan Pamuk, premio Nobel de Literatura 2006, presenta el 18 de abril
en Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao su última novela: “Las noches de la peste”
(Random House, 2022), en el que indaga sobre las pandemias
del pasado, entre otros asuntos.
Mikel Saiz asks to Orhan Pamuk:
“What would you tell and judge to the authors of the current pandemic?”.
“What would you tell and judge to the authors of the current pandemic?”.
Mikel Saiz pregunta a Orhan Pamuk:
“¿Qué les dirías y qué les harías a los autores de la pandemia actual?”.
“¿Qué les dirías y qué les harías a los autores de la pandemia actual?”.